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Dear Residents, Family, Friends, and Supporters,

The information below is provided pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:2H-12.87 for notice of a contagious disease at a long-term care facility licensed pursuant to N.J.S.A. 8:39.

We currently have no residents positive for Covid and 39 residents recovered.

We currently have no staff members positive for COVID with 7 recovered.

The facility remains in outbreak status. We will continue to monitor residents and staff daily for signs/symptoms of COVID and there will be testing of all residents and staff.

Communal Activities and Dining have resumed.

Please note that the BBQ schedule for this Saturday is still cancelled.

Visitation is permitted but not encouraged at this time. Masks continue to be required for all staff and visitors.

Family members will be notified should their loved one tests positive and/or is in quarantine.

John Veras, Superintendent
July 26, 2024